A leafy green favorite among those who love spinach and beets, Swiss chard is a healthy addition to almost any kind of meal. This hearty vegetable can be found all throughout the world, so it shouldn’t be difficult to find fresh bunches of chard right under your nose at the local grocery store.

In this guide, you’ll find all of the best places to buy swiss chard near you as well as what to look for to get the highest and healthiest quality.
The Origin of Swiss Chard
As its name would imply, Swiss chard does originate in Europe. However, it does not come from Switzerland. Swiss chard originally hails from Italy, more specifically the Sicily region. It was given the name Swiss chard after being grown in the U.S. to distinguish it from the similar French chard.
In the country, you can find Swiss chard growing in the temperate climates of California, as well as on the east coast. This leafy vegetable is easily distributed across the country, making it more than likely that you can find it at your local market.
What Does High-Quality Swiss Chard Look Like?
Before you can find out where to buy the best Swiss chard, you need to know how to buy it. The highest-quality swiss chard will have the following qualities:
- Dark green leaves: Dark leafy greens are supposed to be rich in iron, protein, and other nutrients. Dark leaves mean the chard is mature and ready to be eaten.
- Bright stems: In stunning contrast to the dark leaves, the stems are a bright pink color that should really stand out on the produce shelf.
- Crunchy: The stems should be firm and able to snap in half if you were to bend the stalk. Soft stems mean the chard is not ready yet or has overripened.

Of course, you also need to know what to avoid. Hopefully, you won’t run into any of these features, but this is what you should look out for:
- Dried leaves: Healthy Swiss chard is full of water and color; dried leaves mean it’s gone bad.
- Brown color: If the chard has brown color on any part of it, throw it away immediately.
Now that you know what to look for, let’s find the best options for finding Swiss chard near you.
Also Read: Essential Tips to Buy Beets
Where to Buy Swiss Chard – Grocery Store Options
Fortunately for lovers of Swiss chard, this leafy vegetable is always in season. You should be able to find it year-round at all of your favorite supermarket locations. There are many places to choose from depending on where you live.
You can buy Swiss chard at your local grocery store in the produce section. It is more than likely that your store will have some available, but if not, you can find it through local farmers or online distributors.
Frozen Foods
If you aren’t having luck in the produce section, you can always buy frozen Swiss chard in other sections of the store. You might be able to find some online as well!
Farmer’s Market
If your local community is thriving enough to have a farmer’s market, you will find lots of yummy organic treats and fresh produce right at your fingertips. Farmer’s markets are great places to support your local farmers and get your hands on vegetables that are untainted by preservatives and pesticides.
If all else fails and you cannot find any good Swiss chard at your local markets, you can always take it to the Internet. It is pretty easy to buy Swiss chard online and have it delivered to you in a timely manner.
Getting the Best Price for Fresh Swiss Chard
Prices for Swiss chard will differ depending on where you are buying it from. Your local organic farmers may charge more than the brand-name Swiss chard you can find at the supermarket chain, but the difference in quality may be worth the extra few bucks.
There are a few things you can do to reduce the price of Swiss chard when you want to buy it for your next meal. The vegetable is always in season, so you shouldn’t have any problem no matter what time of the year it is.
You can buy in bulk to reduce costs on individual bunches of chard. Remember to freeze what you aren’t using right away so that it doesn’t go to waste!
Find Fabulous Swiss Chard for Your Kitchen Today!
With all of this knowledge in mind, you should not have any issues when it comes to following this grocery guide. Your local markets and online options will provide you with plenty of opportunities to eat Swiss chard for dinner.
Remember that the dark green leaves are what you want to look for. Enjoy your hunt for the perfect Swiss chard and contribute to a healthy meal each time you cook with this delicious vegetable!
Swiss chard has large, dark green leaves that are smooth and slightly glossy. The leaves are attached to thick, crunchy stems that can range in color from white to red. The stems and veins of the leaves are often brightly colored, with shades of red, pink, yellow, or orange. Overall, Swiss chard has a vibrant, colorful appearance that makes it a beautiful addition to any meal.