Savoring The Sea: Sea Scallops - Infogrocery

Savoring The Sea: Sea Scallops

Recently, as a seafood lover, I discovered an amazing product. These were delicious and nutritious Sea Scallops. Not only do these juicy sea clams offer a delightful culinary experience, but they also boast a range of health benefits. Therefore, I am obliged to introduce you to Sea Scallops and share my culinary experience. Here goes!

What are Sea Scallops?

Sea Scallops, scientifically known as Placopecten magellanicus, are large bivalve mollusks that dwell in the sea. They have a round, fan-shaped shell, and the edible portion is the adductor muscle, which is the muscle that allows the scallop to open and close its shell. These mollusks are known for their tender and sweet meat, making them a favorite among seafood lovers.

Benefits of Sea Scallops

  1. Rich in Protein: Sea scallops are an excellent source of high-quality protein, making them a great choice for individuals following a high-protein diet or looking to build and repair muscles.
  2. Low in Calories: If you’re conscious about your calorie intake, sea scallops are a fantastic option. They are low in calories, which makes them ideal for those watching their weight or trying to maintain a healthy calorie balance.
  3. Heart-Healthy Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Sea scallops contain omega-3 fatty acids, particularly EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which are known to support heart health, reduce inflammation, and improve cognitive function.
  4. Essential Minerals: Sea scallops are a good source of essential minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. These minerals play vital roles in maintaining proper nerve function, supporting bone health, and regulating blood pressure.
  5. Vitamin B12: Sea scallops are rich in vitamin B12, an essential nutrient that aids in the production of red blood cells, supports brain function, and helps maintain a healthy nervous system.

Nutritional Characteristics of Sea Scallops

Per 100 grams of sea scallops:

  • Calories: 137
  • Carbs: 6.33 grams
  • Fat: 0.98 grams
  • Protein: 24 grams
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: 205 mg
  • Vitamin B12: 2.53 µg
  • Calcium: 12 mg
  • Iron: 0.68 mg
  • Magnesium: 44 mg
  • Phosphorous: 499 mg
  • Potassium: 367 mg
  • Zinc: 1.81 mg
  • Copper: 0.039 mg
  • Selenium: 25.5 µg

Where to Buy Sea Scallops?

When it comes to purchasing sea scallops, there are several options available:

Local Seafood Markets:

Local seafood markets often offer a wide selection of fresh seafood, including sea scallops. These markets typically source their products locally, ensuring freshness and supporting local fishermen.

Online Seafood Retailers:

Many online retailers, like Amazon, deliver fresh seafood right to your doorstep. These retailers often have a vast network of suppliers, allowing them to offer a wide range of seafood options, including sea scallops.

Grocery Stores:

Most well-stocked grocery stores carry a selection of seafood, including sea scallops. While the availability and quality may vary, it’s still worth checking out your local grocery store for this delectable seafood.

What to Look for When Buying Sea Scallops?

To ensure you select the best quality sea scallops, keep the following tips in mind:


Look for scallops with a sweet, fresh scent and a shiny, translucent appearance. Avoid those that appear dull, dry, or have a milky film, as these are signs of age or improper storage.


Sea scallops come in different sizes, typically measured by the number of scallops per pound. The larger the number, the smaller the scallops. Choose the size that suits your preference and recipe requirements.


Ideally, sea scallops should have a creamy, off-white color. Avoid scallops that appear overly yellow or brownish, as this can indicate deterioration.


When gently pressed, fresh sea scallops should feel firm and slightly springy. Avoid scallops that are excessively soft or mushy, as they may be past their prime.


Whenever possible, opt for sustainably sourced sea scallops. Look for labels such as MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) or check if the retailer provides information on the source and fishing practices.

When is the Best Time to Buy Sea Scallops?

While sea scallops are available throughout the year, their peak season varies by region. In general, the best time to buy sea scallops is from fall to early spring when they are most abundant and freshly harvested. However, high-quality sea scallops can be enjoyed year-round thanks to modern fishing and freezing techniques.

How Much Do Sea Scallops Cost?

The cost of sea scallops can vary depending on factors such as size, quality, seasonality, and where you purchase them. Larger scallops tend to be more expensive than smaller ones. On average, you can expect to pay around $15 to $30 per pound for fresh sea scallops. Keep in mind that prices may fluctuate based on market conditions and availability.

How to Prepare Sea Scallops?

Preparing sea scallops is relatively simple and allows their natural flavor to shine. Here’s a basic guide to preparing sea scallops:

Thaw (if frozen):

If using frozen scallops, thaw them in the refrigerator overnight or follow the package instructions for quick thawing.

Remove the Side Muscle:

Sea scallops often have a small, tough side muscle attached to them. Before cooking, gently pull it off and discard it.

Dry the Scallops:

Pat the scallops dry with a paper towel. This step is crucial to achieving a golden sear.


Season the scallops with salt and pepper or your preferred seasonings. Keep it simple to let the scallop flavor shine.

Cooking Methods:

Sea scallops can be cooked in various ways, such as searing, grilling, baking, or even raw in ceviche or sushi. One popular method is to sear them in a hot skillet with a little oil or butter for a few minutes on each side until they develop a golden crust while maintaining a tender center.

What to Pair with Sea Scallops?

Sea scallops have a delicate yet distinctive flavor that pairs well with a variety of ingredients. Here are some excellent choices to complement the taste of sea scallops:

Citrus: The bright acidity of citrus, such as lemon or lime, cuts through the richness of scallops and enhances their natural sweetness.

Fresh Herbs: Herbs like parsley, dill, or tarragon add freshness and a pop of flavor to sea scallops. Chop them finely and sprinkle them over the cooked scallops or incorporate them into sauces or marinades.

Butter and Garlic: Classic flavor combinations never disappoint. A simple garlic butter sauce can elevate the taste of scallops, adding richness and depth.

White Wine: Cooking scallops in a splash of white wine not only adds depth to the dish but also creates a delicious sauce when reduced with butter and herbs.

Creamy Sauces: Cream-based sauces, such as a delicate lemony béchamel or a velvety white wine sauce, can complement the tender texture of sea scallops.

Grains and Pasta: Serve sea scallops over a bed of flavorful grains like quinoa or couscous, or toss them with pasta such as linguine or angel hair. The combination of textures creates a satisfying and well-rounded dish.

Fresh Vegetables: Pair sea scallops with seasonal vegetables to create a vibrant and nutritious meal. Sautéed spinach, roasted asparagus, or caramelized Brussels sprouts are excellent choices that add color, flavor, and a touch of freshness.

Asian-Inspired Flavors: Explore the umami-rich flavors of Asian cuisine by incorporating ingredients like soy sauce, ginger, garlic, or sesame oil. These flavors complement sea scallops beautifully and add a unique twist to your dish.

Sea pleasure!

Sea scallops are a true marine delicacy offering a tantalizing culinary experience. Their tender, juicy flesh and delicate flavor make them a favorite among seafood lovers and top chefs around the world. Whether simply pan-fried with salt and lemon, or added to more complex dishes, scallops never fail to impress. So next time you get the chance, indulge in a gourmet treat with a perfectly cooked scallop dish and embark on a gastronomic journey like no other.

How do store sea scallops?

It is best to store sea scallops in the refrigerator at temperatures below 40°F (4°C). Place them in a covered container or a sealed plastic bag, and use them within 1-2 days of purchase for optimal freshness. Avoid storing scallops at room temperature or in direct sunlight.

Sea scallops are a true marine delicacy offering a tantalizing culinary experience. Their delicate flavor makes them a favorite among seafood lovers and top chefs around the world.
Sea scallops are a true marine delicacy offering a tantalizing culinary experience. Their delicate flavor makes them a favorite among seafood lovers and top chefs around the world.